Registry Style or Legals Only Ceremony

Quick and Simple Legal Marriage Ceremony

I have legally married many couples in Australia with a simple ceremony who have then travelled to amazing places such as Bali, Vanuatu and Hawaii for their destination wedding in a stunning setting, where they have gathered their nearest and dearest and shared their special day in an beautiful location with a local Celebrant conducting the ceremony and then spending quality time with their loved ones.

These couples have had the option to recognize their legal marriage ceremony in Australia in any way they wish. Couples can add some meaningful words to the ceremony or choose to have just the legal requirements to make the marriage ceremony legal and valid according to the Marriage Act of 1961, and wait until their special day overseas to exchange personal vows and wedding rings.

Having your legal marriage ceremony in Australia either before or after travelling overseas also makes paperwork simple and effortless – not needing to worry about another country’s laws and requirements for a legal marriage ceremony also alleviates what could be a stressful and difficult task. I can even assist you in applying for your official marriage certification through the registry office which can be delivered to you within days.

This Ceremony is designed to "seal the deal" without any fan-fare or fuss – a simple Marriage Ceremony which satisfies the legal requirements according to Marriage Laws of Australia. You can still write your own Vows, Exchange Wedding Rings and have 2 witnesses attend the Ceremony.

THIS IS A GREAT OPTION FOR COUPLES LOOKING FOR A FUSS-FREE MARRIAGE CEREMONY for any reason - be it financial or personal - your reasons are your own and I'm here to conduct a legal Ceremony - dress how you wish on the day; from jeans to a tuxedo, trackpants to a white gown; the choice is yours.

I can conduct your legal marriage ceremony at my well-presented office in Carlingford or at a venue of your choice with just your two chosen witnesses - I’ve even conducted a legal marriage ceremony at the check-in counter at Sydney International Airport!

This option is also the perfect choice for those couples who want to recognise their love for each other legally in front of their two chosen witnesses – without the expense!

My fee will include:

  • Initial meeting to discuss the legal marriage ceremony and complete the Notice of Intended Marriage.
  • All legal paperwork prepared and lodged by me in a professional and timely manner.
  • Your choice of marriage ceremony wording chosen from my samples and personalised to your liking.
  • Officiating at your marriage ceremony with only your two chosen witnesses, if ceremony conducted at my office.
  • A beautifully presented copy of your ceremony and presentation marriage certificate to keep.

Please contact me to discuss your simple marriage ceremony.

Simple Ceremony Fees *
Legal ceremony at my office $400
Legal ceremony at a chosen location from **$500
*Ceremony to be held before noon and subject to my availability. Conditions may apply. Prices subject to change without notice.
**Price for the ceremony will be provided after a date, time and location for the cermony is confirmed. An additional charge will be payable on the ceremony day if the ceremony does not start at the agreed time.